The FEPAG LEAGUE OF YOUNG EMERGENCY RESPONDERS or F.L.Y.E.Rs is a sub group of the Fire Emergency Paramedic Assistance Group (FEPAG) that caters to the youth ages 14- 18 years old. It aims to educate the minors of Basic First Aid and eventually Advance First Aid skills so that they may be knowledgeable in handling minor situations at home, at school, or wherever they may be. The program covers trainings in wound caring, splinting, bandaging and knowing care for common household medical concerns such as fever, headaches, and allergies.
The program also serves to invite, motivate and equip the young responders physically, emotionally and spiritually for them to be able to properly handle situations that may or may not need ambulance assistance. As such, they are introduced to the world of Emergency Medical Services under the supervision of the FLYERs Advisers and Officers- in- charge of the said group. Through this, they will be exposed to different scenarios that will promote both their critical thinking and resourcefulness skills that will not only help themselves but also our beloved community. And to secure their safety, all participants of the program are prohibited to respond and act in situations beyond their training without the supervision of a FEPAG OIC or FLYERs officer.
Any youth may join the FLYERS program as long as they pass ALL the following qualifications:
Should be prepared mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Is ready to learn and adapt in handling Emergencies.
Not younger than 14 and not older than 18 years of age.
Must have parental consent that states that their parents allow them to join and participate in FLYERs activities which also includes fire and ambulances responses.
Parents must personally know a FEPAG member whom also acts as the participant’s sponsor.
Ready to join us? Great! Download our Application form, fill it up, let your parents sign the form and attend one of our general meetings, together with your parents or a guardian, every second friday of the month at our headquarters, from 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. and submit to us a printed copy to us there.
For further questions and details you may contact us here.