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by Admin

Posted on Jan 15, 2024

Christmas on Wheels 2023

On the night of December 30, 2023, FEPAG EMS Philippines successfully executed its heartwarming "Christmas on Wheels" Program. With a dedicated team of 20 volunteers, the event unfolded between 09:30 PM and 01:00 AM. The benevolent initiative aimed to bring joy to the less fortunate by distributing 500 packages comprising of assorted children's clothes, adult clothes, shoes, toys, cookies, bread, pastries, pasta, and drinks. The convoy traversed through the streets of Quezon City, commencing its charitable journey from FEPAG HQ and following a route that included Mayon, Timog Ave., Araneta Ave., Quezon Ave., and Delmonte Ave. The beneficiaries of this altruistic effort were street children and those residing in poverty-stricken conditions, as the volunteers shared the spirit of Christmas with compassion and generosity.


2023年12月30日晚,FEPAG EMS Phils. 【菲華消防緊急救助隊】成功執行了暖心的「車輪上的聖誕節」計畫。活動由 20 名志工組成的敬業團隊在晚上 09:30 至凌晨 01:00 期間展開。這項慈善活動旨在為不幸的人們帶來歡樂,分發了 500 個包裹,其中包括各種兒童服裝、成人服裝、鞋子、玩具、餅乾、麵包、糕點、麵食和飲料。車隊穿越奎松市的街道,從 FEPAG 總部出發,沿途經過 Mayon、Timog Ave.、Araneta Ave.、Quezon Ave. 和 Delmonte Ave.。這一無私奉獻的受益者是街頭兒童。志工們以同情心和慷慨的心分享聖誕節的精神。


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